On September 10, 2018, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house, which was built in 1979 and its direction is facing south. Master pointed out the biggest issue of this house are: 1. the front door of this house is not only indented, but also falls into the ‘worst energy’ spot of the house, which will affect the wealth and health severely; 2. most of the time, people living in this house park their car right outside of the garage, and just use the ‘side’ door to enter the house, unfortunately, this ‘side’ door happens to be a bad energy spot as well; 3. the bathroom in the master bedroom falls into the ‘argument’ spot of the house, ‘in fengshui, fire or electricity is good for the ‘argument’ spot, which also means ‘water’ should be ‘avoided’, unfortunately, Mrs. White has been using this bathroom for a super long time, and as a result, she is always involved in troubles, even though she is causing trouble out there, but other people always cause trouble against her; 4. most of the beds in the bedrooms were placed incorrectly, which are ‘against’ the center of the house; 5. the most lucky spot of this house was totally wasted, and it is a ‘storage room’ with full of ‘junk’ items.

The suggestion from Master are: 1. stop using the front door and the garage doors, they can go through the fence and use the backyard door to enter the house; 2. stop using the bathroom and the toilet in the master bedroom, using the other bathroom and toilet instead; 3. start using the computer and sleep in the most lucky spot of the house; 4. place the bed to the right direction; 5. move the TV in the grandson’s room to the corner where the cabinet is now, etc.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui