“Feng Shui Master Golden Spring“ is the nickname of Steven Ng, who was born and raised in China where the classic Feng Shui was traditionally practiced, Golden Spring Feng Shui is a Feng Shui Consulting Business, located in the Northwest side of the Valley in Phoenix, Arizona, which provides residential and commercial Feng Shui consulting to create places with harmony, happiness, wellbeing, health, positive energy, personal growth, education, and prosperity; Master Golden Spring can also show you how to avoid all the bad Feng Shui in your house, your office, or your work place.
Master Golden Spring’s teacher is Grand Master Yu Yong Hai (余永海恩师), who is the Yang Gong Feng Shui (杨公风水)* thirty-eighth generation descendant, therefore, very famous in China. Master Golden Spring has been learning and exercising Feng Shui since 2003 after he became Grand Master Yu Yong Hai’s student. If you are interested in learning more about Grand Master Yu, please feel free to visit his official Website at ZI WEI XING (紫微星).
*Brief introduction about World Feng Shui Ancestor Yang Yun Song (杨筠松), aka Yang Gong (杨公):
In Tang Dynasty, 834, which was about 1,184 years ago from now, Yang Yun Song, was born and eventually became the National Master of the Tang Empire, and also became the World Feng Shui Ancestor, his Feng Shui method was known as Yang Gong Feng Shui.
Here are some pictures of both Grand Master Yu and Master Golden Spring, and please definitely visit the “Photo Gallery” page and enjoy more pictures!
Grand Master Yu and Master Golden Spring 2023 in GuangDong FoShan city, China