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Broken Up Family

On June 23, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a two story house in Phoenix, Arizona, which was built in 1988 and its direction is facing east. Master pointed out that this house is not suitable for any man to live in, especially for a man whose Chinese Zodiac is a ‘dog’, in addition, this house is also not suitable for anyone whose Chinese Zodiac is a ‘tiger’ or an ‘ox’. Unfortunately, after Master obtained the birthdays of the family, Master found out that the man who lives in this house in deed is a ‘dog’; and the elder son is also a ‘dog’, the younger son is a ‘tiger’, and the wife is an ‘ox’. Master was very shocked and felt very sorry for this family, because based on the fengshui analysis, the marriage between this couple should have had a big problem. When Master asked the man what had happened to the wife back in 2009, the man told Master that it was the year that his ex-wife left the house, and his two sons also left this house with their mum, he would never forgot 2009 because his older son was 15 years old at that time. What an unfortunate family!
At the end, Master guided him what to do to reduce the bad energy as well as what can be done to increase the good energy in this house! Master also wish him the best of the luck and look forward to his new life after the fengshui adjustment.


今天看的风水案例是非常伤感的。福主是一个在美国出生的美籍华人,中文一点也不会,曾经听说过‘风水’是跟能量有关,但对风水一点也不了解。我打了罗盘后,坐向是1988年七运庚山甲向兼酉卯,属于上山落水局,说白了就是损丁破财局。我把图纸画好之后,跟福主说‘这屋子你不会住得开心,而且你与太太的关系非常不好,你是哪年出生的?’ ‘1958年3月’福主脸色一下子苍白,眼神呆滞。我看到他墙上挂了一下家庭合照,还有一些学校毕业证书之类的东西, 问道:‘这些照片是你家人吧? 这个房子男主人没有地位,属狗, 属牛, 属虎的也没有地位,请问太太,跟两个儿子生日是多少?’ 福主一一告知后,我非常惊讶:男主人是狗,大儿子也是狗,小儿子是老虎,太太是属牛, 如果不是亲临其境,我还以为这是在拍电影!

我感觉到这家风水的严重性, 所以我说话小心翼翼的,‘去年2018年, 您的背部,或者肠胃有大问题吗?’ 答:‘肠胃没事,不过背痛得很厉害,颈部也痛,不过今年背痛没那么严重了’。问:‘2009年你太太应该有大事发生, 你还记得吗?’ 他没有马上回答,问我借了笔在算, 过了一会儿,答 ‘2009年没事,我大儿子15岁那年,太太有外遇,一声不吭就离开家了,那时是2006年,我知道她有外遇,但我没戳穿她,假装不知道,希望她可以回心转意,真不明白我一不赌,二不抽烟,三不喝酒,兢兢业业为了这头家,为什么老天这样对我?!’ 我看了看图纸,凭着经验我觉得2009年肯定有大事发生,我自己算了起来,大儿子1994年出生,15岁那年前妻离开家,1994 + 15不正好是2009年吗?然后我把手机放到福主眼皮底下,用计算机把1994年加了15,他向我道歉,‘对不起,是我算错了,那么前妻确实是2009离开这个家的, 两个儿子也跟着她走了,我的心痛啊!’  一个在政府部门做会计的,笔算也会把这两个数字加错,你可以想象他当时的心情有多乱!

等福主心情平复之后,我们又聊了两个小时,从风水上给他解释了为什么这个家会妻离子散, 支离破碎,家不成家,教了他如何调整风水,不过有可能的话,建议他考虑搬家。最后我要他坚强起来,起码今天就是他的人生转折点,希望下一次我跟他聊天会是一个全新的面貌。














2. 一命二运三风水四积德,家里风水好坏直接影响全年运程,同样一个生肖,居住在一家好风水的屋子跟一家不好风水的屋子的命运是完全不一样的。“积德”就是要多做善事, 包括放生。
3.建议大家少吃肉,多吃素,起码每逢农历初一十五要吃素。另外,亚利桑那州凤凰城每个月最后的星期天是免费提供素食, 一般10点开始,欢迎大家携同亲朋一起去品尝素食。地址:1520 W Indian School Rd. #2&#3, Phoenix, AZ 85015.
6. 出远门,出差,回国探亲,等等, 但要注意安全。
7. 可以考虑更换工作。

Categories: Article


The Finest Architectural Custom Home

On June 10, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a huge custom home in Fountain Hills, Arizona, which was built in 2005 and its direction is facing northeast. Master was impressed by such a stunning legacy property, which is one of the finest architectural custom homes around this area, with forever views with Gated Community of Crestview. Master has spent the entire day in this house, not only because it was so huge, complex, and unique, but also the internal and external view is so beautiful and Master really enjoyed watching it. In terms of fengshui, Master pointed out several major adjustments: 1. how to reduce the ‘Sha Qi’ from the satellite tower on the east side of the house; 2.the cooktop needs to be moved to the backyard area where they will also build a swimming pool; 3. the bed in the master bedroom also needs to be placed in the opposite side of the wall by the fireplace. 4. Convert the water fall into a koi fish pond; 5.need to block one of the drainage hole in the garden area. With the fengshui adjustments, this gorgeous home will provide the perfect balance of grand formal entertaining spaces with cozy and comfortable everyday living!




On June 5, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a vegetarian/vegan restaurant named Seed Shack in Gilbert, Arizona, which was built in 1988 and its direction is facing south. Master was impressed by the ambition and the ability of the two young female owners, who managed and decorated this restaurant very well. Master pointed out three main adjustments: 1. need to block the ‘Sha Qi’ from the sharp corner edge from the building on the east side of Seed Shack; 2. need to stop using the door on the south side because this door is in a very bad feng shui spot, luckily, people can use the door on the east side’; 3. the cashier needs to be moved to the good feng shui spot, which is on the east side of where the cashier is currently. Other minor adjustments are: 1. to set up a mirror on the west side of the wall in the hall way right in front of the bathroom; 2. to place a red carpet in the door on the east side. At the end, Master concluded that: with all the fengshui adjustments, this restaurant will have a good prospect all the way until 2043!




8运午山子向兼丙壬,05/16/2019 傍晚去了南山附近的一家住宅看风水,女福主主要为了求财,另外强调我帮她与她19岁女儿摆挑花阵,还问我她是否可以找个老外男友,然后告知她与现在的男友也住在这里同居十年了,一直想要一个小孩,但不成功。我心想有男友了还叫我帮你摧桃花,肯定没有真爱。我问她家里有人有肠的问题吗?她没吭声,我又加了一句“肺呢?”还是没反馈。然后她请我出去吃饭,因为已经晚上8:15分了。

吃饱后,我告诉她,这个屋子男人没有地位,特别是属狗的,她脸色马上一变,“小师傅,还有什么没告诉我?!我男友就是属狗的[惊讶],他病得挺历害的”,“什么病?”,“肠有问题,呼吸道也不好”,“那刚才在家里你为什么不回答我”?“刚才饿了,不想说太多”,“应该是2018年年初或2017年末发病的,对吗?” 她找了找手机,把她男友住院的照片给我看,日期是“2017年12月10日”。“小师傅你是不是神仙,其实我很爱他,快帮我救救他”,“那你还叫我帮你摧挑花找老美男友?!” “因为他今年又住院了,而且很严重,我看他快不行了!”



A Custom Home With a Missing Northeast Corner

On May 11, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house located in Gilbert, Arizona, which was built in 2002 and its direction is facing north. The house was custom made by the previous owner, and there is a basement with an elevator. Master pointed out that one big issue of this house is missing the northeast corner of the house, also, the washer and the dryer are located in a very bad fengshui spot, and the bad energy is even stronger in 2019, master recommended the owner to avoid using the washer and dryer and they can take the clothes to the cloth cleaning service, if they don’t remodel the laundry room; Master also pointed out that the garage is the intelligence spot, therefore, it is good for the owners to develop his projects over there. In addition, Master also advised them on where to build the swimming pool to avoid the bad energy. At last, Master checked out the owner’s additional workshop where he repairs the antique car. The owners were really appreciated Master’s fengshui advice, and they look forward to having a much healthier and wealthier life.



Looking Forward to Better Business

On April 21, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on J&K Chinese Gourmet in Gilbert, Arizona, which was built in 2007 and its direction is facing east. Master pointed out several adjustments: 1. need to place a sign or place a live plant right at the corner of the front door; 2. a fish tank can be placed in the front are of the restaurant to boost up the ‘wealth’; 3. the cashier needs to be placed in the good fengshui spot; 4. the floor drain in the kitchen needs to be moved to a good fengshui spot. 5. try not to use other cook pans that much because they are in the bad fengshui spots.