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A Custom Home With a Missing Northeast Corner

On May 11, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house located in Gilbert, Arizona, which was built in 2002 and its direction is facing north. The house was custom made by the previous owner, and there is a basement with an elevator. Master pointed out that one big issue of this house is missing the northeast corner of the house, also, the washer and the dryer are located in a very bad fengshui spot, and the bad energy is even stronger in 2019, master recommended the owner to avoid using the washer and dryer and they can take the clothes to the cloth cleaning service, if they don’t remodel the laundry room; Master also pointed out that the garage is the intelligence spot, therefore, it is good for the owners to develop his projects over there. In addition, Master also advised them on where to build the swimming pool to avoid the bad energy. At last, Master checked out the owner’s additional workshop where he repairs the antique car. The owners were really appreciated Master’s fengshui advice, and they look forward to having a much healthier and wealthier life.



Looking Forward to Better Business

On April 21, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on J&K Chinese Gourmet in Gilbert, Arizona, which was built in 2007 and its direction is facing east. Master pointed out several adjustments: 1. need to place a sign or place a live plant right at the corner of the front door; 2. a fish tank can be placed in the front are of the restaurant to boost up the ‘wealth’; 3. the cashier needs to be placed in the good fengshui spot; 4. the floor drain in the kitchen needs to be moved to a good fengshui spot. 5. try not to use other cook pans that much because they are in the bad fengshui spots.

Heart Problem Will Go Away

On March 15, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house located in Phoenix, Arizona, which was built in 1966 and its direction is facing west. The house was remodeled and Master felt it very special as soon as he walked in the house.

Master pointed out lots of good and bad fengshui in this houses. The good ones are: the mountain on the north side of the house, it is considered as ‘white tiger’ house; the front door of the house, especially is good for the daughter; the water fountain in the swimming pool, which will boost up the wealth. The bad items are: the light poles outside of the house would cause heart issues; the cooktop is in a bad fengshui spot; the BBQ grill in the patio is also bad for the health; the master bed room is also bad for health. Master recommended the owner to put lots of copper objects in the master bed room, and the owner smiled, because she loves copper objects and she already has lots of copper objects in this house in general, so she could put more copper objects in her bed room. Master concluded, if she follows the instruction, her heart problem will go away!

Half Good Half Bad Entrances

On February 23, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a Nail Salon located in Scottsdale, Arizona, which was built in 2007 and its direction is facing south. Master was a bit surprised that there is such a big Nail Salon in town, which is about 3 times as big as the other Nail Salons in town, and it happened to be a Saturday morning, there were lots of customers were getting nail services at that moment.
Master pointed out several things that could be improved: 1. for the front entrance, there are two glasses doors, one of them is in a good fengshui spot whereas the other one is not, so Master suggested to put a Welcome sign or basket to black half of the front entrance door; 2. there are two back doors, one of the them is in a bad fengshui spot, so from on, that door needs to be shut permanently, and the other back door can be used as usual; 3. the good news is the cashier is already in the super good luck spot, and there is no need to relocate it.



大家好,上期风水专栏我们聊了家居门口风水,这期我们来聊一聊公司与店铺门口的风水。正所谓‘分金差一线,富贵不相见’!公司与店铺的门口立什么向,位置在哪里,会直接影响到整个公司与店铺的格局与命运。公司,店铺生意好了,老板当然会高兴; 如果生意不好,不但老板愁眉苦脸,还有那些要靠工资去养家的员工,以及员工的家人也会受到影响! 世事真的挺神奇,有时候我帮一些老板的店铺看风水,在店铺得到的信息与在这老板的住家得到的信息基本是相关连的,这就是频率共振!

做生意,老板关心的是生意好不好,顾客多不多,当然,顾客多,不代表生意一定会好,因为可能客人只是进门看一看,打发一下时间,根本没想着买东西或需要什么服务;又或者,客人来了一次以后,就再也不回头了;不过,有客人进肯定比没客人进好。 所以,公司店铺的门口,旺财,旺丁,或者丁财两旺,肯定是最好的。如果门口又入了老板的命格, 那就会是福人居福地, 公司店铺肯定会诸事顺利,生意兴隆!相反,如果门出卦了,肯定退财损丁, 或者公司的产品有质量问题,那这公司店铺肯定会赔钱,迟早会关门。

门口外面的周围环境也非常重要,例如有没有路冲,有没有高速公路,河流,高架桥,电线杆,各种各样的煞,包括电梯在门口的哪一边,等等都会影响到生意的好坏, 大多数煞是可以化解的,当然也有些是没得化解。


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A Lucky Accountant

On 01/19/2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on JC Financial Services LLC office, which is located in Phoenix, Arizona. Master pointed out that the front door energy is ‘ok’, but it would be better with a Chinese Ba Gua hung above the front door frame, which is used to reduce the ‘Sha Qi’, i.e., the bad energy, from the outside environment; fortunately, the owner’s work desk is located in the wealth spot, in addition, most of the objects that would generate energy, such as all the computers, the printers, microwave, refrigerator, water drinking machine, are already in a good fengshui spot. At the end, Master guided the owner to put a big water fountain in the biggest lucky spot to boost up the wealth even more, and guided her how to reduce the ‘bad energy’ spot.

Categories: Business






门口,有旺财门,旺丁门,旺财旺丁门,富贵双全门,长寿门, 文昌门;其次,有中规中距门,不会发大财,但也不会发生凶事,平安就好;另外,有半吉半凶门;最后,凶门有盗贼门,是非门,官非牢狱门,退财门,损丁门,甚至亡命门。其实还有一种特殊情况,就是偏门,虽然在凤凰城这样的屋子不多,但还是存在的。

门口可以纳气也可以排气,门口开在吉位,家人一般都身体健康,夫妻恩爱,工作顺利;如果一间屋子的门口又入了主人的命格, 那就会是福人居福地, 家人会诸事顺利。

如果一间屋子门口在凶位,肯定会影响财运,人丁,家人健康, 夫妻感情,在流年不利的时候,就会发生车祸,犯官非, 破财等。凤凰城的独立屋子大多数门口在车库门的旁边,车库要不在门口的左边,要不在门口的右边;当然,也有门口在中间, 左右两边都是车库。这样的设计,要不就是门口出卦,要不就是车库有一部分出卦,如果门口出卦了,最简单的解决方案就是把门口关起来,不用它就是了;也有一些人喜欢用车库储存东西,做健身房,甚至变成乒乓球厅, 然后把车子停在车库外面,用屋子门口进出,这种情况下,如果门口出卦了,那坏事就会接踵而来。

凤凰城的华人住的屋子很少会有偏门, 西人不懂风水,所以也不在乎,住在这样的屋子的人一般都会做一些偏门工作或生意, 通常指传统上认为非正当的。





古时候,人们的洗澡房 与厕所(又称茅房 、茅厕,茅坑、屎坑,便所、井屏,等等)肯定是比较落后的,而且厕所不会在屋子里面,因为排泄的东西是赃物,一般都臭气熏天,所以厕所会在屋子的外面。现代社会,我们的卫生间都很干净,有些还建得非常高档,气派,豪华程度堪比房间。下面我来说说卫生间风水的重要性。


其次,也有一些卫生间在屋子的中心,上次专栏提到过屋子中心本身的后天八卦盘是五黄,属土,所以住卫生间在屋子中心的人一般容易得心脏,肠胃病,或者其它跟血液有关的疾病, 也会影响夫妻感情。

第三,如果卫生间刚好在一个屋子的子午卯酉的位置, 即东南西北的位置,而且又出卦了,那么住此屋子的人就容易会犯桃花,也叫败桃花或烂桃花。



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