Category: Residential Property


2005年八运戌山辰向兼辛乙,2019年2月28日,今天来到南加州洛杉矶看了一个阳宅风水。男主人主要想询问身体方面的问题,因为财运一直都不错。我跟男主人说,你的疾病应该是跟这几方面有关系:1.头,脑 ;2.脊梁;3.呼吸系统;4.血液,心脏;5.肠胃;6.面,齿。男主人反馈说,搬进去两个星期就面瘫,这么多年来反反复复,不过基本上病情是控制住了,所以我其实根本看不出他有脸瘫。肠胃病说得很对,这么多年以来,他的大便都是散的,从来都没有过香蕉型。有时候心跳加快,觉得怪怪的,看过医生,检查过身体,但医生查不出什么问题。牙齿方面, 好像是吃东西时,把一颗牙弄伤,最后拔掉了。2019年是猪年,下半年觉得身体特别疲倦,反正就觉得四肢无力,也准备去检查身体了。




临走前我看到邻居的屋子前面摆了一对石狮子,而且门框上还挂了一个八卦镜,我就跟男主人说,“这个屋子出现问题吧?不过他们这两个狮子摆错了。” 男主人说,“对对对,他们出了几件事,要不要我去拍门?让你帮他们去看看风水?”我笑了笑说,一切随缘吧,然后匆匆忙忙的开车离开了。

Categories: Residential Property

Hope More Peaceful In the Household and the Elder Son Become a Good Man

On Oct 26, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house in Phoenix, Arizona. Master pointed out that this family has very stable income, and usually gets strong support from others in general, and the kids should be doing well at school, but they are very rebellious, however, the relationship between the husband and the wife is not good, and always argue with each other, in addition, the elder son seems lack of the life goal and most of the time he conducts certain things which cause himself trouble. Also, master believed that there should be something big happened in 2011, 2006 and 2007.

Here is the feedback from the family: The couple often argues on most of the stuff even very small things; the two sons are very smart, one is studying the biochemistry, another one is studying computer engineering, most of the time they got A, and they would feel upset if they got A-. Both sons play piano, and they have won lots of trophies and medals from the piano contests. However, these two boys often fight each other, and they don’t like each other. The elder son, indeed, is the most rebellious one. On September 17th, 2019, he took out a gun and waved it at the window while he was driving and just to show off, someone called the police, and the police gave him a citation ticket and he still needs to go to the court later. In addition, the wife said that she did occasionally feel uncomfortable in the abdomen area. At last, the husband remembered that he got laid off in 2011, and he went to San Diego to work as a temporary contractor.

The husband was born in Laos and he went to Thailand at 5, and his family is Chinese. When he witnessed Master’s feng shui skills, he immediately served Master some very expensive tea which is made in Taiwan, and made it West Lake, China, and milk tea, lemon honey, chocolate, all kinds of snacks, fruit, and invited Master to spend the night there to teach them more fengshui, Master declined them and asked them to adjust fengshui following his guidelines and things will be better!



Categories: Residential Property




福主反馈: 两夫妻感情很一般,经常因为小事吵架,吵多了,男的一般就不跟女主吵了;两个儿子,都很聪明,一个读生物化学,一个读电脑工程,每一门课都要拿A,如果拿A-,还不高兴,两个儿子都学钢琴,家里摆满了一大堆弹钢琴得奖的奖杯奖牌;但是两兄弟经常打架,互不相让,而且大儿子,确实是最叛逆那一个,上个月的9月17日,大儿子把刚刚买回来的手枪,一边开车一边把手枪在窗口挥来挥去,就是为了炫耀一下,后来旁人打电话报警了,然后警察给他开了罚票,迟下要上法庭了。另外女主人说,她确实偶尔腹部感到不舒服。2011年男主人给 laid off, 工作丢了,还跑到圣地亚哥去做临时工.



Categories: Residential Property

A Couple Knows Nothing About Chinese Culture

On Sept 02, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house in Gilbert, Arizona. The man is Mexican, and the lady is Colombian, and neither of them knows anything of the Chinese culture. Based on the fengshui drawing, Master pointed out that the elder daughter should be healthy in this house, however, she is a pig in the Chinese zodiac, and this year is the big year, which is not a good year for her. Master asked if there were any problems happened to her in 2019 so far, the lady responded: “well, she argued with her classmates at school more often, and even the teacher warned her not to cause more trouble.”


Next, Master said that the stove is in a very bad luck fengshui spot, definitely affecting the relationship between this couple, and in 2010, the couple must have had a bad relationship! They talked to each other in Spanish, and Master had no idea what they were talking about.


Thirdly, Master pointed out that the biggest problem in this house is the lady’s health, 2007 and 2013 were definitely more severe, and any of these areas could have had issues: throat, head, kidney, and face. In 2009, the man should have had stomach issue. The couple responded: since moving into this house in 2005, the lady felt very depressed. After the birth of the first child in 2007, the child was extremely difficult to take care of, therefore, she could not sleep well, so the lady often had headache; in 2009, the man had abdomen pain, and the doctor also asked him to have a colonoscopy. They often went to the hospitals and complained to each other due to the stress and sickness; in 2010, they almost filed a divorce; in 2013, the lady’s throat was inflamed, and the kidneys also had problems. They started taking lots of medicines.


At last, Master taught them how to remediate the bad fengshui and suggested them to move out this house before February 2022.



Categories: Residential Property



图纸画好后,我首先断二女有肠炎,夫妻两个没有吭声,我指出了虽然大女先天位缺角,但幸好睡在了与她命格相合的吉房,所以把缺角的坏力量抵消了,听完后女福主舒了口气,说大女一直都身体健康,但大女属猪今天犯太岁,我问这半年大女没什么大问题吧? 回应:今年大女与同学间吵架是非特别多,老师还告状警告了。然后我说,炉灶不但出卦,而且还反了,肯定影响夫妻感情,夫妻两人对望一下,(故意)显得很恩爱,讲了几句西班牙语,我笑了笑说,其实我学过西班牙语的,叫他们小心点。他们愣了一下,马上不吭声,我又笑了笑,告诉他们简单的我真的会几句,但刚才其实根本不知道他们说什么。

经典来了,我说这屋子最大问题是女主人,2007年,2013年肯定很不顺,喉咙,头,肾,面,本来我想说“三焦”的,但不会翻译,所以省掉了,而且2010年他们夫妻肯定感情不好!2009年男主的应该有病疼。反馈:自从2005年搬进此屋后,女主觉得很压抑,2007年大女出生后,特别难照顾,睡也睡不好,所以女主头更疼了,2009年男主腹部不舒服,西医还给他照了肠镜,两夫妻各自跑医院,互相抱怨,2010年还差点提出离婚,2013年女主喉咙发炎,肾也出现问题,开始吃大量西药。我问二女没事? 回应:两岁开始食物过敏,吃什么都要很小心,我看了看图纸,还是对应上了,辛位除了代表肠,也代表口。




Categories: Residential Property

A House With Terrible Fengshui

On Aug 25, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a single story house in Avondale, Arizona, which was built in 2005 and its direction is facing south. Master pointed out that this house is not suitable for any man to live in, in addition, this house is also not suitable for anybody who’s an ‘ox’ in Chinese Zodiac. Unfortunately, the lady told Master that her ex-husband and she were both born in 1973, which is an ‘ox’. Master was very shocked and felt very sorry for this family, because based on the fengshui analysis, the marriage between this couple should have had a big problem, and indeed, Master believed that their relationship should be very bad back in 2009 to 2012, then the lady confirmed that they had a big fight back in 2012 and decided to divorce, they spent the whole year in 2013 filing the divorce case, the ex-husband left the house in 2013, and they finally legally separated in 2014.


Master also told the lady that she should have lung issue, and nose issue, the lady confirmed that in 2014, she had caught some sort of ‘spores’ when she went hiking with her friends, then she was diagnosed with ‘Valley Fever’, and she needed to heavily count on the medicine, and when she stopped taking the medicine, she immediately had breathing issue, and she even went to the emergency room. As for as her nose goes, she admits that she has allergy and she even had nose surgery. She was amazed by the fact that Feng Shui can give us all this information!


At the end, Master guided her what to do to reduce the bad energy as well as what can be done to increase the good energy in this house! Master also wish her the best of the luck and look forward to her healthier life after the fengshui adjustment.



Categories: Residential Property




 健康方面,我断她肺,鼻子,脾有问题,回复:2014年,女主爬山时吸入了一种土壤里什么孢子之类的东西,自那以后肺有问题,英文叫Valley Fever, 长期靠吃药,我问她有没有试过停药,她说有,停药后呼吸困难,还进了急疹。另外,她说鼻炎已经4年了,还做了手术,然后苦笑着说脾没有问题,我说的三样病有两种,虽然有保险,在大公司做,但还是花了她快三万美金了。另外,一个月前有个属虎的朋友入住了,男的,新搬进来的这位朋友也有鼻子过敏,不过女主告诉我他没搬进来已经是这些,这就是风水上的“信息同步”吧。然后女主人还告诉我2006 年男主人发生摩托车意外,之后做了13次手术,这应该是我看这么多风水中最凶的住宅了!




Categories: Residential Property

My First Fengshui Client in Canada

On July 12, 2019, Master Golden Spring was invited to give a fengshui consultation on a house in Toronto, Canada, which was built in about 1962 and its direction is facing southeast. It was my pleasure to provide fengshui service to my first client in Canada, unfortunately, this house has several major issues: 1. the front door of the house is in a very bad fengshui spot, and it is especially influencing the son whose Chinese zodiac is a rat; 2. the cooktop in the kitchen is also in a very bad fengshui spot and it is bad for the ‘mother’ in this house, and with the ‘major evil’ flying star arrives the southwest area of this house, it would cause the stomach issue in 2019. In fact, the ‘mother’ has been having stomach issue since early this year, and now she knew why; 3. at last, the Guanyin (i.e. Buddha) was also placed in a very bad fengshui spot in the living room, therefore, in general, the family is not blessed by the Buddha at all.

Master has guided them what to do to remediate all these bad fengshui and also guided them to use the entrance on the west side of the house.



Categories: Residential Property