Tag: Feng Shui



作者:杨公风水第三十八代传人, 恩师余永海

人类大部份疾病都与风水有关,包括家族遗传疾病等, 由于阴阳两宅风水出现差错,长期引动,以至于发生病变,但都可以通过风水调整得到康复或减轻!许多家庭因为有久病之人或各种癌症弄得无钱医治,弄得人财两空。而通过风水这门祖宗传承下来的文化精华,或许能为千千万万个生病家庭带来福音!而且判断与操作也非常的方便, 我敢说这句话,那是有充足理论依据的。

佛山紫微星杨公风水研究中心经过多年的探索和验证,运用杨公三元风水理论和《黄帝内经》理论,在实践中总结验证出风水、引力波与癌症的原理关系。在我们现实生活当中,生病不一定得癌症, 得肝炎不一定得肝癌,得胃病不一定得胃癌,转变成癌症又是如何从风水中引起的呢?这就不得不从风水与引力波的关系来解释和深挖探讨了!很必然,正是风水中产生的引力波,才引起人体病变和扭曲、变异,由正常细胞转化为癌细胞的气场,暗物质能量场!







6、在人际交往过程中,人的内心产生的怨、恨、恼、怒、烦五毒引起的疾病, 以及工作压力、受伤、感染、过度劳累引起的疾病等等,而这些疾病大都是直接或间接与风水有着密切联系!













10 Keys to a Happy Life


A traditional feng shui Master Steven Ng, who recently did a reading of our home, told me the secret to a happy life that he has learned from his Chinese culture. Steven has also mentioned his feng shui master, one of the most respected masters of mainland China. He showed me a picture of him and he looked just like a Buddha. He told me that I wouldn’t find this type of feng shui techniques in any websites or books. It’s one of those pearls of wisdom that have been handed down for centuries.


The way that feng shui Master Steven explained it to me is that there are 10 factors in our lives that determine our degree of happiness, let us just call it “10 keys to a happy life“. Some of them we have little or no control over while others we can easily change. They are, from the most important to the least important: birth, period, feng shui, charity or do good deeds, education, name, appearance, prayer and respect for spirit, associations, and lifestyle.


First, “birth” is the most difficult factor to change. Each of us is born with a certain genetic makeup with inherent strengths, weaknesses, and predispositions. If you believe in astrology, we are born under good or bad planetary aspects determined by the time and place of our birth and there’s not much we can do about it, unless you are instructed by a good feng shui master who can set up good feng shui in your house, and suggest you to live in the room with the best the feng shui energy in a house during the pregnancy. In addition, we might be able to change the time of our children’s’ births by having a caesarian operation. The feng shui Master’s wife was pregnant and I asked him if he would consider doing this. He shook his head vigorously. He said only a natural birth is right unless the mother’s life is threatened. There are certain things you can do to improve your astrology like move to a location where a beneficial planet would have been on or near your ascendant or midheaven if you had been born in that place. However, there’s not much you can do to change your DNA. If you were born with a predisposition to cancer or diabetes, you can’t change it. But that doesn’t mean you are doomed to die young from a terminal illness. There are other factors you can change that affect this.


Second, “period” refers to the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Every 20 years, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in the heavens and mark the beginning of a new cultural, political, and economic era. The last one occurred on May 28, 2000 in the sign of Taurus, which ushered in the present economic downturn, starting with the bursting of the dot.com technology bubble when the NASDAQ stock market crashed in the spring of 2000. That was followed by unsustainable real estate speculation that ultimately peaked in July 2006. Since then, a global economic crisis has brought about the Great Recession, commencing with the Jupiter–Pluto conjunction of December 2007. This 20-year cycle affects everyone’s happiness more or less. But it can be mitigated by a good birth and by taking steps with factors that we are more in control of.


Third, “feng shui”. Master Steven told me that most of the Chinese prefer a house situated on a north-south axis. In addition, you can move to a better location and floor plan. But the best solution would be to design your home from scratch, using feng shui principles. The feng shui master showed me that, in general, our home was situated well and that the eight sections were well-placed with the right things in each. However, the most unlucky section sliced through part of our kitchen where the toaster, microwave oven, and gas stove were placed. In fact, it sliced through the right half of the gas stove. The energy from these appliances would amplify the negativity of the most unlucky section. He suggested moving the toaster and microwave oven, which was easy enough, but for the stove, he suggested using only the two burners on the left side. He also suggested moving our altar to a north facing wall and placing a fountain near the south-facing wall in the luckiest section with the water flowing toward the house.


The fourth factor is karma or good deeds. Each of us is born with karmic debts and assets from past embodiments. People who experience good fortune and happiness generally have good karma from good deeds done in past lives. If they share their good fortune and continue to do good deeds, they will ensure their continued happiness in this life and the next. They may even ascend beyond the cycle of birth and death by balancing more than 51% of their karma. However, if someone is born with a lot of bad karma and experience misfortune after misfortune, they can begin to turn this around by doing good deeds. They may continue to suffer, but they will experience some happiness just from doing good deeds. This is a way for anyone to make up for saying or doing anything harmful against another. You may not completely erase the karmic record, but by making reparations, you can build up enough good karma to cancel out the bad.


The fifth factor is education. A person could be born with genetic handicaps and bad astrology, reflecting bad karma, in the current economic downturn, yet still achieve their dream of a better life by studying hard and getting a good education. Every college has stories of graduates who rose out of an impoverished or handicapped background to become a successful business person, scientist, or educator. With the convenience, flexibility, and affordability of online education, this possibility is being opened to more and more people.


The sixth factor, name, was a little unclear to me. I asked the feng shui master if it had to do with the numerology of your name. He said it had to do with the Chinese characters in your name and their relationship with the five elements. If you have a missing or weak element in your name, you can change your name to strengthen or add that element and thereby improve your good fortune. Sometimes this can be done simply by signing and referring to yourself by your full name instead of a shortened form, as in Robert instead of Bob.


The seventh factor is your appearance. People born with a prominent forehead, clear complexion with no moles, and high cheek bones are usually more fortunate and happy. There’s not much you can do about the face you are born with unless you go the route of expensive plastic surgery. But there are inexpensive things anyone can do. You can avoid covering your forehead by shaping your hair so that it frames it and makes it stand out more. Also, avoid plucking your eyebrows or, worse, shaving them and using tattooed eyebrows. Eyebrows protect you from misfortune. Bushy eyebrows, which I inherited from my grandfather, are great. Keep you complexion clear, and, if you have any moles on your forehead or cheeks, get rid of them. And, for women, throw away the mascara.


The eighth factor, in terms of self-determination but not importance, is prayer and our relationship with the spirit world. If this list were arranged in terms of importance, I would put it at the top. In the orient, this includes veneration of ancestors. Most Westerners pray mainly to God, angels, and saints. Some new age people also pray to elementals, ascended masters, cosmic beings, and gods and goddesses. But prayers to ancestors are not common in the West. However, I have known some people like Tonya Gamman, who claim that often, the angelic beings who help us out are the spirits of departed relatives. The more you pray and the more you tithe to a spiritual cause or organization, the more you will receive abundance and good fortune from the spirit world.


The ninth factor, which we have a lot of control over, includes the people we live with and associate with. Surround yourself with people of like mind, who support you and don’t put you down. Avoid the vampires who drain your energy. If you have a job with a hostile boss and/or negative coworkers, quit and find a better job. If you’re in a karmic relationship, it may be time to break up or divorce and find a better partner.


Finally, the tenth factor, the one we have the most control over, is our lifestyle, which includes diet, exercise, entertainment, and general activities. If we spend all our fee time sitting in a chair, eating junk food, and watching TV, we won’t be very healthy or happy. But we can easily turn off the boob tube and go for a hike or visit a museum or do something that will expand our lungs, blood vessels, and minds.


Speaking of mind, that is the master key. A positive mental attitude is the most important factor. It is the faith that empowers prayer to work miracles that can overcome the most negative genetics, astrology, karma, feng shui, lack of education, bad name, marred face, and bad marriage or job. We can do a lot to change our lot, using the advice above, but they won’t work if we have a mental attitude that says, “this isn’t going to help” or “this is just superstition.” So put your negative thoughts in a mental trash can, have faith, and try some of the 10 keys to a happy life. And Happy New Year!


Wayne Purdin, 12-31-2013

Categories: Article


Range or Stove Could Impact the Marriage


In July 2017, Mr Chen and Mrs Han would like to move out the current house and move into a different house, because so many unhappy things have happened since they lived here and they believed that the current house must have bad fengshui. After Master Golden Sprint helped them look at two houses, they picked the second one and made an offer, and they eventually purchased the house.


Because Mrs Han’s brother is a handyman and he was very kind to help his sister remodel the whole house to reduce all the bad fengshui spots and booster up all the good fengshui spots. The biggest issue of this house was that the stove in the kitchen was in a bad fengshui spot, so it needed to be moved. In fengshui, the impact of the stove is very big, or ‘huge’, it could cause health issue or it could cause the disagreement of a couple, even worse, it could cause divorce. As a matter of fact, the realtor told us that the previous owner of this house lived by himself, because his ex wife divorced with him and he wanted to sell this house to try not to remember the unhappy marriage.


At the end, the stove was moved to the left side of the counter top, and the patio in the back yard was also converted to an enclosed guess room.




Guest Room

What to Avoid When Buying a House

  1. A house that is close to a cemetery or a tomb, because it has lots of ‘Yin Qi’.
  2. The front door of a house is facing and close to a mountain or big buildings, it will impact the wealth and cause distress.
  3. A house is lack of sun light even with the windows open, a ‘dark’ house is full of bad energy.
  4. The front door of a house is facing any sharp object, such as the edge of a big building, it is called ‘SHA’ in Chinese.
  5. A house that is a missing a big piece will impact health, e.g., if the Northwest corner is missing, it definitely affects the father who lives in this house, similarly, if the Southwest corner is missing, it affects the mother who lives in this house.
  6. Front Door and back door are facing each other, because energy will come in and will go out, think about the ‘money’ will come in and go out.
  7. The kitchen is in the center of the house, it could cause the argument between a couple, it could also cause health issues, and cause bad temper, etc.
  8. The toilet is in the center of the house, it will cause health issue.
  9. The bathroom is close to the front door, this absolutely causes bad energy and bad luck in the house.

There are a lot more, please consult with Master Golden Spring if you are interested.